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Heal Chronic Conditions with Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a holistic treatment becoming widely known for improving medical conditions and promoting overall well-being.  It’s interesting to see how something so common in our environment is being used to improve conditions such as chronic fatigue, allergies, aging, and even more serious illnesses such as autoimmune conditions, cancer, and HIV.

We recently discussed the benefits of ozone therapy and how ozone therapy works to improve ten common conditions. Today, we are specifically focusing on conditions that can create oxygen deficiency in the body and exactly how medical ozone (O3) works to increase oxygenation and promote natural healing.

What is Medical Ozone?

To understand medical ozone, you must first understand what ozone is. Ozone (O3) is a form of oxygen that contains three oxygen atoms instead of the two found in the air we breathe (O2). This extra atom is what makes ozone highly reactive and gives it unique medical properties.

Medical-grade ozone is different from the ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere. Medical ozone is made from pure medical oxygen and is carefully controlled. When properly administered, most commonly through an intravenous process called autohemotherapy, it starts a series of reactions in the body that trigger a natural healing process.

Medical ozone has been studied and used therapeutically since the 1800s but has only become a hot topic and focus of modern holistic medicine in recent decades.  Research into the potential healing benefits of ozone is ongoing. 

We still have a lot to learn about exactly how medical ozone promotes healing, but what we do know is that many people praise its effectiveness as a standalone treatment when conventional medicine has failed or to support conventional treatments. 

How Ozone Therapy Works to Heal Chronic Conditions

There are several ways that ozone is shown to heal chronic conditions.  Research shows medical ozone can improve circulation, increase antioxidant protection, and decrease chronic inflammation— all things that can help promote the body’s natural healing process. 

But perhaps the most interesting way ozone can promote healing and provide therapeutic benefits is its ability to stimulate oxygen uptake, making ozone therapy a promising option for people with conditions where oxygen deficiency is common. 

We will discuss exactly how ozone can stimulate oxygen uptake and the conditions that often create oxygen deficiencies that might benefit the most from ozone therapy a little further down, but first, let’s talk about oxygen deficiency and the unique way it’s connected to the immune system, which is another thing ozone is said to improve. 

What is Oxygen Deficiency?

Oxygen deficiency happens when your body or a part of your body doesn’t get enough oxygen. There are several reasons why someone might become oxygen deficient. Environmental factors like high altitudes, where the air is thinner, and poor ventilation in confined spaces can lead to lower oxygen levels, but there are also medical conditions that can cause you to become oxygen deficient.

Respiratory conditions such as COPD, asthma, pneumonia, and pulmonary fibrosis can reduce the lungs’ ability to take in oxygen. Cardiovascular issues can affect how effectively oxygen-rich blood flows throughout the body. Anemia, which is a lack of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen, can also contribute to oxygen deficiency. Another example would be allergies, in which severe allergic reactions restrict oxygen flow.

Prolonged oxygen deficiency can lead to severe consequences because without enough oxygen, cells can’t produce energy, and your body can’t function properly. Organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys are particularly susceptible to oxygen levels. 

Depending on the root cause, treating oxygen deficiency involves several approaches. One holistic option for those with conditions that cause oxygen deficiency is ozone therapy. 

How Oxygen Deficiency is Connected to Immunity

Oxygen is vital for immune cells because they need oxygen to produce energy and function properly. When there’s not enough oxygen, the immune system can’t fight off infections and diseases as effectively.

Additionally, low oxygen levels can lead to inflammation. While inflammation is a normal part of the immune response, chronic inflammation from prolonged oxygen deficiency can damage tissues and organs, compromising the immune system.

Oxygen deficiency also affects the adaptive immune system, which houses cells responsible for recognizing and remembering pathogens that provide long-term immunity. Lack of oxygen can negatively affect these cells, weakening immune response and reducing the body’s ability to respond to infections and medications. 

What does this have to do with ozone therapy? Ozone therapy can increase oxygen delivery to tissues, which is essential for immune cell function. Better oxygenation supports the metabolism and activity of immune cells, supporting the immune system and helping it work more effectively against infections and diseases.

How Ozone Therapy can Boost the Immune System 

Improved oxygenation is only one way ozone therapy can help support the immune system. 

Researchers have discovered several ways ozone therapy can potentially boost immunity. 

Research is ongoing, but here are a few theories:

Activation of Immune Cells

Ozone therapy is thought to activate white blood cells, which is essential in fighting infections. By stimulating these cells, ozone therapy may enhance the body’s ability to fight dangerous pathogens.

Regulation of Cytokines

Cytokines are small proteins that are important in cell signaling (the way cells communicate with one another), which is vital for coordinating immune responses and maintaining a healthy immune system. Ozone therapy seems to positively influence the production and release of cytokines, promoting a balanced immune response and reduced inflammation.

Antimicrobial Effects

Ozone has antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These properties can help clear up infections and reduce the impact these pathogens have on the immune system.


Ozone therapy can help enhance antioxidant defenses and remove toxins. This can alleviate stress on the immune system, allowing it to focus on fighting infections.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Due to its ability to fight excess inflammation, ozone therapy may help prevent chronic inflammatory conditions that can weaken the immune system over time.

Conditions Known to Cause Oxygen Deficiency that Ozone Therapy Can Help Heal

Ozone therapy can potentially improve several immune-related conditions linked to low oxygen levels. While it shows promise in improving these conditions, you should always talk to your doctor before considering ozone treatment.

Here is a list of conditions known to cause oxygen deficiency that could potentially benefit from ozone therapy:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

People with CFS often have low oxygen levels. Increasing oxygen can help boost energy and reduce fatigue.


Some research suggests that low oxygen levels in the body might be what causes pain, fatigue, and other problems in fibromyalgia. Better oxygen delivery can help ease muscle pain and improve overall function.

Chronic Infections

Conditions like chronic Lyme disease or viral infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and HIV can compromise the immune system. Enhanced oxygenation may support the immune system, potentially alleviating symptoms and promoting quicker recovery.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis might experience symptom relief through improved oxygenation, which can reduce inflammation and help regulate the immune system.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Poor circulation leads to less oxygen reaching tissues. Ozone therapy can help improve oxygen delivery, helping to alleviate symptoms of vascular diseases such as PAD.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Even though COPD is not purely an immune-related condition, better oxygen levels can help support healthy lung function and manage immune responses in the lungs. This can improve respiratory function and assist in managing symptoms for conditions that affect the lungs and airways.

Heart Disease

Better oxygenation can improve overall heart health, indirectly supporting the immune system.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

One of the longest-running uses for ozone therapy is to treat wounds. Enhanced oxygen delivery can help wounds heal faster and reduce the risk of infection, supporting immune responses.

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

Increased oxygen levels could benefit conditions like CIRS, where long-term inflammation can compromise immune function.

Infectious Diseases

Higher oxygen levels can support the immune system in fighting infections, especially in tissues with poor oxygenation.


Ozone has been used for its therapeutic benefits since the 1800s, but it has only recently made waves in modern alternative medicine in the United States. One of the primary ways ozone is believed to heal chronic conditions is by increasing oxygen supply in the body.

If you have a chronic condition that could potentially benefit from ozone therapy, visit a Relive Health clinic near you.