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Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy isn’t a new phenomenon. Its history spans from the 1800s to the present, with a widespread global presence. Practitioners and health enthusiasts have used this unique natural treatment for years to address various health concerns.

However, ozone therapy has recently garnered more attention thanks to celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and wellness influencers, who praise it for its health benefits. But its newfound popularity has come with controversy. Many opinions and myths about ozone therapy are floating around.

In this article, we hope to shed some light on what ozone therapy is, what conditions it can help treat and how it can contribute to overall well-being, some common myths, the widespread benefits of ozone therapy, and where you should seek this unique therapy should you decide it’s right for you.

What is Ozone Therapy? 

Ozone therapy is a unique medical treatment that deliberately adds ozone gas to the body. Unlike the oxygen we usually breathe, which is O2 (two oxygen atoms), ozone consists of three oxygen atoms (O3).

This form of oxygen is used in a medical context for its powerful oxidizing capabilities. Oxidizing is a process where a substance reacts with oxygen or loses electrons, causing changes in how things look or behave. Ozone therapy utilizes these properties for therapeutic benefits.

Various methods exist for administering ozone therapy. Some of the most popular are intravenous injection, autohemotherapy, topical, and sauna. Autohemotherapy is the most popular of these methods due to its effectiveness, safety, and versatility.

The autohemotherapy approach involves withdrawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, mixing it with ozone, and reintroducing it into the body. This method is considered safe and effective because it uses the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions, and allows ozone to directly interact with the bloodstream, impacting the entire body systemically.

Additionally, autohemotherapy is versatile, as the ozone concentration can be adjusted based on individual needs, making it a customizable and widely applicable treatment option for various health conditions.

What Does Ozone Therapy Treat? 

Ozone therapy is a versatile and holistic approach that has shown promising results in treating a variety of conditions while promoting overall health and wellness. 

Here’s a look at some of the issues that ozone therapy can address:

Immune System Strengthening

Ozone therapy has been associated with immune system modulation, enhancing the body’s ability to defend against infections and diseases. By promoting the production of immune cells, including white blood cells, ozone therapy contributes to a robust and vigilant immune response.

Inflammation Reduction

Ozone’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable tool in managing conditions characterized by excessive inflammation. It helps regulate the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, potentially alleviating symptoms associated with inflammatory disorders.

Pain Management

Ozone therapy has been employed to manage chronic pain conditions, including arthritis, back pain, and joint disorders. By modulating pain receptors and reducing inflammation, ozone therapy offers a natural and alternative approach to pain relief.

Enhanced Circulation

Ozone therapy supports improved blood circulation, benefiting cardiovascular health. Enhancing the flexibility of red blood cells and dilating blood vessels promotes optimal oxygen delivery to tissues and organs.

Chronic Infections

Ozone therapy has effectively addressed chronic infections, including viral, bacterial, and fungal conditions. It may help disrupt the life cycle of pathogens and stimulate the immune system to combat persistent infections.

Autoimmune Conditions

Ozone therapy’s immunomodulatory effects make it a potential adjunctive therapy for some autoimmune disorders. It aims to restore immune balance and alleviate symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions.

Wound Healing

Ozone therapy’s ability to stimulate oxygen utilization and enhance tissue repair makes it beneficial for wound healing. It may accelerate the healing process and reduce the risk of infection.

Dermatological Conditions

Ozone therapy has shown promise in addressing various dermatological issues, including psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to improved skin health.

Aging and Longevity

Ozone therapy’s potential to reduce oxidative stress and promote cellular health has sparked interest in its application for anti-aging purposes. It may contribute to overall longevity by supporting cellular resilience.

Respiratory Conditions

Ozone therapy may positively impact respiratory health, potentially assisting in managing conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Inhalation of ozone may help improve lung function and reduce inflammation in the airways.

What are the Benefits of Ozone Therapy? 

Ozone therapy is praised for its multifaceted advantagesthat span from specific medical issues to overall vitality and resilience.

Here’s a list of some of the benefits of ozone therapy:

Enhanced Immune System

Ozone therapy is well-regarded for its ability to boost the immune system, providing essential support in the body’s defense against infections. By promoting a delicate balance between free radicals and antioxidants, this therapy enhances the immune response, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Inflammation Reduction

Frequent recipients of ozone therapy consistently report a notable reduction in inflammation that often stems from oxidative stress. Athletes, in particular, find significant benefits from the inflammation-reducing properties of ozone therapy.

Pain Relief

Ozone therapy’s anti-inflammatory properties are believed to provide relief for common ailments such as back pain. It presents a natural alternative for managing pain, reducing reliance on conventional pain management methods.

Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antiviral Abilities

Concerns surrounding antibiotic resistance and potential disruptions to gut health have many people seeing alternative solutions when they need to address a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection.

Ozone therapy is a holistic approach many are turning to as an alternative to antibiotics. Ongoing research into ozone has revealed it could have potent infection control properties, effectively addressing bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

Brain Tissue Damage Reversion

In various instances, ozone therapy has demonstrated encouraging results for stroke patients with brain tissue damage. Researchers found that ozone therapy facilitates an adequate supply of oxygenated red blood cells to tissues affected by strokes, which could potentially halt further damage and potentially revert the brain to its original state.

Reduced Risk of Repeat Heart Attacks

Ozone therapy shows promise in reducing the likelihood of recurring heart attacks by minimizing the development of dead tissue. Some experts suggest that consistent and timely administration of ozone therapy following a heart attack may contribute to a lower likelihood of recurrence.

Enhanced Circulation 

By facilitating the efficient delivery of oxygen to various tissues and organs, ozone therapy is said to contribute to optimal blood flow. Studies indicate that ozone therapy is pivotal in dilating blood vessels, enhancing blood flow, and improving overall circulation.

Detoxification Support

Ozone therapy is said to help aid in the body’s detoxification process, helping to eliminate toxins that can impact overall health. It is also said to accelerate metabolism, offering an additional layer of defense against the harmful effects of toxins.

Wound Healing

Some believe that ozone therapy can aid in treating chronic wounds. From diabetic ulcers to painful mouth ulcers, regular ozone treatments have promising research that suggests they can contribute to the healing of persistent wounds and ulcers.

Stem Cell Repair

Your body relies on the continuous work of stem cells. They are responsible for generating cells essential for various functions, including the heart, brain, nerves, and other vital components.

Research suggests that ozone therapy can potentially enhance the activation ability of cells, resulting in a more rapid and effective repair process for damaged cells. 

Cell Oxygenation

Ozone therapy could potentially support the oxygenation of cells, which is crucial for preventing tissue death due to insufficient oxygen. This support could assist in delivering readily available oxygen to hypoxic areas, aiding conditions like asthma.

Healthier Skin

Healthier skin is a benefit of ozone therapy by increasing oxygenation and promoting cell recovery and repair. Its antioxidant properties stimulate collagen and elastin activity, fostering rejuvenation and overall skin improvement.

What to Expect During Ozone Therapy

From start to finish, autohemotherapy ozone therapy takes about an hour. The exact steps of an ozone therapy session depends on the chosen delivery method.


If ozone therapy is done via injection intravenously, it will be administered directly into the bloodstream via a small needle or catheter. 


If your provider uses a topical approach, ozone, in gas or oil form, is applied directly to the skin. 


In the instance it is introduced into a sauna, it is typically added to the sauna environment to create an ozone-rich atmosphere.


The most popular method, autohemotherapy, begins with a thorough consultation. This initial step allows for an in-depth discussion, ensuring a clear understanding of your health goals and concerns. Your provider will guide you through the process with a detailed explanation.

Typically, the first step involves gently extracting a small blood sample. As your blood is drawn, a natural cycling process initiates. This method carefully and controlled circulates your blood outside the body, creating an optimal environment for the ozone infusion.

Next up is ozone infusion. This is a meticulous procedure where ozone is precisely introduced into your blood. The method may vary, but it often includes carefully blending ozone with your blood to ensure a harmonious combination of therapeutic properties.

The final stage sees the revitalized blood, now enriched with ozone’s benefits, and reintroduces it into your body. Once this last step is complete, patients often describe a sense of renewed vitality.

What to Expect After Ozone Therapy

Once therapy is complete, patients often describe an instant sense of renewed vitality. Some may experience a mild warmth or tingling sensation due to the oxygenating effects of ozone. These sensations are generally well-tolerated and temporary.

You can continue your day as usual after ozone therapy. However, it’s advised to avoid intense physical exertion on the day of the session. This allows the body to focus on the healing and recovery process without additional stress.

You should also prioritize hydration after your ozone therapy session. This will help aid in flushing out toxins and supporting the elimination process. Additionally, consider incorporating nourishing foods into your diet, focusing on antioxidant-rich options to enhance the benefits of ozone therapy.

How Many Sessions of Ozone Therapy Do I Need?

Some people claim to experience the benefits of ozone therapy after just one session. However, the extent and timeframe of noticeable effects can vary widely among individuals based on factors such as their health condition and treatment goals.

The recommended number of ozone therapy sessions can vary widely based on individual health factors and treatment goals. As a general guideline, some individuals may start to notice benefits after just a few sessions, while others may opt for a more extended series for ongoing support. Your healthcare provider will suggest a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Time

Ozone therapy typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes to perform the entire procedure.

Myths About Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a noteworthy alternative in the realm of medical treatments for diverse health conditions. But a lot of misconceptions have cast shadows over its perceived effectiveness. 

Here are some common misconceptions we see and the factual information that dispels them.

Myth: Ozone Therapy Isn’t Safe


Ozone therapy adds O3 to your blood and filters that blood right back into your body, a process that has been utilized for various health purposes with a well-established safety record.

However, opinions on the safety of ozone therapy can be controversial and vary within the medical community. Like any medical intervention, the safety of ozone therapy depends on appropriate application and adherence to established protocols. 

When administered by trained healthcare professionals, ozone therapy is generally considered safe. However, if you have safety concerns, you should consult your doctor to determine if it is right for you.

Myth: Ozone Therapy is the Same as Oxygen Therapy


While both involve oxygen, ozone therapy and oxygen therapy are distinct treatments. Ozone therapy introduces ozone gas (O3) into the body, offering unique therapeutic benefits beyond conventional oxygen therapy. It’s essential to understand the differences in application and intended outcomes.

Myth: Ozone Therapy is a New Fad


Ozone therapy is far from a passing trend. It has a longstanding history in complementary and alternative medicine. It might be marketed more in recent years, but ozone therapy has been utilized in medical applications for over a century. Its use dates back to the early 20th century and has been researched and applied in various medical disciplines since then.

Myth: Ozone Therapy is Only for People who are Sick 


While ozone therapy is used to support individuals managing specific health conditions, it is also sought by those looking to enhance overall well-being, boost immunity, and promote optimal health. Ozone therapy is versatile and can be beneficial for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. 

Myth: Ozone Therapy is Painful


If you are using the injection or autohemotherapy method, as long as you can tolerate a tiny needle prick, you will do just fine. Ozone therapy is generally well-tolerated and minimally invasive. The administration methods are designed to be as comfortable as possible.

Patients may experience mild sensations, but significant pain is not a typical aspect of ozone therapy when performed by experienced practitioners.

Myth: Ozone Therapy Causes Harmful Ozone Gas Exposure


Properly administered ozone therapy aims to provide therapeutic benefits without causing harmful exposure to ozone gas. Healthcare providers follow established protocols to ensure controlled and safe application, minimizing any risks associated with excessive ozone inhalation.

Does Ozone Therapy Have Side Effects? 

When administered by properly trained healthcare professionals, following established protocols, ozone therapy is generally considered to be safe with minimal side effects.

However, just like any medical intervention, there can be potential side effects and individual variations in response.

Common side effects may include mild irritation at the injection site, temporary dizziness, or a sensation of warmth during infusion. Before undergoing ozone therapy, it’s important to discuss any concerns or pre-existing conditions with your healthcare provider and to maintain open communication throughout the treatment process.

Where to get Ozone Therapy

You should look for medical facilities, including specialized clinics and integrative healthcare centers in your city that are equipped to provide ozone therapy under the supervision of licensed practitioners. 

It is essential to choose a reputable and experienced healthcare establishment and provider who has undergone appropriate training in ozone therapy protocols. This may include Medical Doctors (MDs), Naturopathic Doctors (NDs), Nurses, Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Physician Assistants (PAs), and certified ozone therapists who have undergone specialized training to ensure the safe and effective application of ozone therapy. 


Ozone therapy is a natural and time-tested treatment that offers numerous advantages for your well-being. From targeted condition treatments to overall health enhancement, the benefits of ozone therapy are undeniable.

Relieve Health proudly offers ozone therapy at locations across the United States. To benefit from this natural treatment and enhance your well-being, click here to find a Relieve Health clinic near you.