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Best Medications to Treat Obesity and Lose Weight

Losing weight is a struggle for many people. If it were as simple as telling someone overweight that they have to cut calories, hit the gym, and “try harder,” the weight-loss market wouldn’t be a record breaking 90-billion dollar industry.

While adopting healthy lifestyle habits like a nutritious diet and consistent workout regime will always be the two most crucial elements of sustainable weight loss, diet and exercise aren’t always enough for some people.

Health problems and hormone imbalances can make losing weight hard, even if you diligently diet and exercise. Genetics also plays a significant role in determining weight and fat distribution.

Supplement and pharmaceutical companies recognize that millions of Americans struggle to lose weight (with two in five being obese), so there certainly isn’t a shortage of weight loss drug options. Unfortunately, most of these pills, powders, and other products on the market that claim to shed unwanted pounds are a waste of money.

However, some medications do work and are helping millions lose weight.  A prime example is GLP-1 injections, which are said to be highly attributed to the significant growth the weight loss industry has seen in recent years.

A few years ago, researchers discovered exactly how GLP-1 agonists like semaglutide help shed pounds. Since then, the success stories of millions of people using these injections have proven their effectiveness.

There are a lot of myths about how to lose weight and especially about GLP-1 injections. To help you better understand why you might be struggling to lose weight, let’s explore eight reasons why diet and exercise don’t work for some people (numbers 6 and 7 might shock you) and how GLP-1 injections can help you shed stubborn fat and improve your overall health. 

Why Diet and Exercise Aren’t Always Enough

When people struggling with their weight come to see us, it’s not uncommon that they have a history of failed weight loss attempts–even those who diligently adhere to a solid diet and exercise plan.

After a thorough consultation, 52-panel blood panel analysis, and body composition analysis, we often discover hormones are the root issue. Imbalances or deficiencies in certain hormones can drastically impact metabolism and weight regulation. 

To learn more about how hormones impact weight, read:  “Understanding Hormone Therapy for Healing” and Optimize Your Weight Loss Journey: Balancing Hormones for Sustainable Results.

However, someone’s inability to lose weight is often more than a hormone deficiency. When someone is overweight, and especially if they are obese, there are many potential causes and reasons why it is nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off. 

Here are a few factors that can impact someone’s ability to lose weight:

1: Health Conditions

There are many health conditions known to cause weight gain. Diabetes, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, and metabolic syndrome can make it challenging to manage weight effectively.

For instance, unmanaged diabetes can affect blood sugar levels and metabolism, making weight management nearly impossible. Thyroid disorders, such as hypothyroidism, can slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain.

Hormonal imbalances like low testosterone or insulin resistance can also affect how the body stores fat and processes sugars and fats, contributing to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

2: Medications

Medications can also make weight loss challenging. Some examples include antidepressants, antipsychotics, corticosteroids (like prednisone), antihistamines (like diphenhydramine), and certain diabetes medications (like insulin and sulfonylureas).

These medications are known to affect metabolism, appetite, or water retention, making it harder to lose weight despite diet and exercise efforts.

3: Psychological Factors

When it comes to weight loss and overall health, how we talk to ourselves, handle emotions, and manage stress matters. Psychological factors like negative self-talk, emotional eating, and stress play a huge role in how we manage our weight.

Our bodies hear when we constantly put ourselves down or stress out over things. Take negative self-talk, for example. Continually criticizing ourselves or doubting our abilities can sabotage our efforts to eat well and stay active. 

Then there’s emotional eating. Many of us turn to food for comfort when feeling anxious or bored. It’s important to have a healthy relationship with food—to see it as nourishment rather than just a source of comfort.

And let’s not forget about stress and cortisol. When stressed, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can affect our metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. 

4: Genetic Influence

When someone says they can’t lose weight because of their genetics, it’s not always an excuse. 

While it is true that much of “genetic” weight predisposition stems from habits that are passed down from generation to generation, certain genetic factors can indeed make losing weight more challenging for some.

These factors include variations in metabolism, differences in fat storage mechanisms, and variations in hunger hormones. These genetic traits can influence how efficiently the body burns calories, stores fat, and regulates appetite, all things that can contribute to weight management difficulties.

5: Food Environment

Social scientists are investigating how where a person lives can influence their weight. Factors such as income and access to healthy food options versus easy availability of unhealthy foods are being closely studied.

More than just the neighborhood where you live, who you surround yourself with matters. Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? This holds true in all aspects of life, including health and wellness.

When it comes to food and exercise habits, the company you keep and the support you receive (or lack thereof) can significantly impact your choices and outcomes.

6: Overly Restrictive Diets

When someone is on a diet with a long list of foods they must “avoid,” it is impossible to adhere to it long-term. Overly restrictive diets almost always fail and lead to an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, which is a sure way to develop metabolic issues such as a slowed metabolism.

Additionally, malnutrition from overly restrictive diets can lead to hormone imbalances that lead to weight loss resistance or weight gain. Yup, overeating can cause weight gain, but not eating enough could also be why you can’t lose weight.

7: Excess Physical Activity Without Proper Recovery

Being on a diet isn’t the only healthy habit that can impact your metabolism and hormones negatively. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. If you push yourself too hard in the gym without providing your body with adequate fuel, rest, and recovery time, it can take a toll on your hormonal balance and metabolic efficiency.

When you engage in intense physical activity, especially without sufficient nutrition and rest, your body may experience elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol. This can disrupt your metabolic processes, potentially leading to increased fat storage or difficulty building muscle. 

Additionally, inadequate recovery can impair hormone production and regulation, affecting appetite, energy levels, and overall metabolic health.

8: Nutritional Deficiencies

Research suggests that deficiencies in specific nutrients can contribute to weight gain or difficulty in losing weight. Two notable examples supported by scientific evidence are Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. 

Omega-3s are essential fats that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through diet or supplements. They are crucial in regulating inflammation, metabolism, and fat storage.

Vitamin D is another example. Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D receptors are present in adipose tissue (fat cells), and inadequate levels may affect the body’s ability to regulate metabolism and store fat properly. Research suggests that Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to obesity and difficulties in achieving weight loss goals. 

Certain vitamins and minerals are essential in metabolism, hormone regulation, and energy balance. If you believe you have a vitamin deficiency, it might be worth considering IV Vitamin Therapy. To learn more, read  “IV Vitamin Therapy: Does it Really Work?”

Why GLP-1 Injections are the Best Weight Loss Drug

In the past, medical weight loss drugs have faced challenges, with some failing to meet safety standards or demonstrating limited effectiveness. For instance, the infamous case of fen-phen in the 1990s highlighted serious health risks associated with certain weight loss medications. 

However, medical research and technology advancements have brought about a promising (and safe) shift in the medical weight loss drug space. The discovery that GLP-1 agonists (initially only used and approved to treat diabetes) can positively influence appetite marked a significant breakthrough. 

In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, researchers discovered that GLP-1 agonists can regulate appetite and promote feelings of fullness. Since then, several GLP-1 agonists have been approved by the FDA for weight loss, and millions of people have experienced success, finding it easier to lose weight and keep it off.

How Medical Weight Loss Drugs Are Helping Millions Lose Weight

We are not saying you shouldn’t eat healthy and exercise. In fact, if you want to see the best results from medical weight loss drugs and develop the lifestyle habits needed to keep the weight off… diet and exercise are crucial. 

However, it is well established that diet and exercise are not enough for some people. If someone struggles with overeating or has underlying blood sugar regulation issues, weight loss becomes virtually impossible. 

GLP-1 injections have proven effective for millions struggling to lose weight, especially those who are dieting and exercising and not seeing results. That’s because GLP-1 agonist drugs, like Semaglutide, do what diet and exercise alone can’t.

These injections work by mimicking the effects of a natural hormone we all make called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), which plays a vital role in regulating appetite and glucose metabolism.

They not only help control appetite and curb cravings but also support the body’s natural ability to manage blood sugar levels and fat storage– all crucial parts of the weight loss puzzle! 

Are GLP-1 Injections The Best Medication to Help You Lose Weight? 

Whether or not GLP-1 injections are the best medication to help you lose weight depends on many factors. If you are obese or struggling with your weight, you should book a consultation with a qualified medical weight loss expert.

They can answer any questions you have, determine the root cause of your weight loss issues, and create a treatment plan that is best for you. We also encourage you to research and learn more about medical weight loss drugs before your consultation. 

Here are some pages and informative articles to get you started:

Where to get GLP-1 Injections

GLP-1 injections are only available by prescription and require a consultation with a qualified weight loss expert to determine whether they are suitable for your weight loss goals and overall health. 

At Relive Health, we offer a variety of weight loss solutions. Together, we will get to the root cause of your weight issues and explore the potential benefits and considerations of GLP-1 injections, ensuring they are right for you.

If GLP-1 injections are the best solution, we will establish a tailored plan for sustainable weight loss and improved overall well-being. Many patients can even start treatment immediately, getting their first injection right away. 

Check out our clinic locator and book your medical weight loss consultation today!