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What Age Should You Start Neurotoxin Treatments?

Most people are reactive, not addressing a problem until it arises. There aren’t many scenarios where being reactive is better than being proactive. This is especially true when it comes to your skin and aging. 

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is subject to a lot of damage that could influence how quickly it ages. How you care for your skin early in life can make a big difference in how many lines and wrinkles you see in your 40s and beyond. 

One skincare method that many people start later in life than they probably should is getting neurotoxin injections like Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin. Most people tend to wait until they are in their late 30s or 40s after lines and wrinkles have already formed. 

Believe it or not, one of the best ways to prevent frown lines, crow’s feet, and other lines and wrinkles is to start neurotoxin treatments at a younger age.

But how young is too young? Today, we will discuss what age you should consider starting neurotoxin treatments, who would benefit most from getting these popular injections earlier in life, and some reasons, benefits, and considerations for starting neurotoxin treatments before your 40s.

What are Neurotoxin Treatments?

Neurotoxin treatments, known under the brand names Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, are non-surgical medical aesthetic injections used to both prevent and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They are also used in several medical contexts. 

They work by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscles where they are injected, preventing these muscles from contracting. This helps smooth out existing lines and wrinkles and reduces repetitive facial movements that could cause new lines and wrinkles to form or deepen.

Neurotoxin treatments are FDA-approved for people 18 and older, safe, cost-effective, require little to no downtime, and are among the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments for preventing and treating lines and wrinkles.

What is a Preventative Neurotoxin Treatment?

Lines and wrinkles can form for many reasons, not only aging. Genetics, UV exposure, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and repetitive facial expressions can all contribute to visible signs of aging.

Preventative neurotoxin treatments are a proactive rather than reactive skin care approach that involves using Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin at an earlier age to help prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines caused by these factors.

This is mainly achieved due to neurotoxin treatments’ ability to prevent facial muscles from contracting, reducing repeated facial movements known to cause creases around the eyes, between the eyebrows, along the nasolabial folds, and on top of the upper lip.

Instead of waiting for signs of aging to become noticeable, starting neurotoxin treatments in your 20s or 30s, when lines and wrinkles are minimal or non-existent, can help maintain a youthful appearance and delay visible signs of aging.

Benefits of Preventative Neurotoxin Treatments

Preventative neurotoxin treatments offer a fast, cost-effective, non-invasive, and proactive approach to maintaining youthful skin by addressing many of the underlying factors that cause lines and wrinkles before they become more pronounced.

Here are some of the benefits of starting neurotoxin treatments in your 20s or 30s instead of waiting until later in life:

Delays Deep Wrinkle Formation

Facial movements like smiling, frowning, and squinting are expressions we all make from an early age. Some people do them more frequently if they have a very expressive personality or don’t wear sunglasses in bright sunlight. 

Over time, these movements can form and deepen fine lines and wrinkles. Neurotoxin treatments help to relax the targeted muscles, reducing these repetitive muscle movements that often contribute to deep wrinkles.

Future Savings on Neurotoxin Treatments

By preventing deep wrinkles early, you may require fewer neurotoxin treatments and less product as you age into your 40s and beyond.

Reduces the Chance of Future Invasive Procedures

Early intervention using preventative neurotoxin injections not only helps in maintaining a smooth, youthful complexion but also reduces the need for more invasive and costly procedures such as laser skin resurfacing or facial plastic surgery later in life. 

Enhances Other Skincare Efforts

Preventative neurotoxin treatments can enhance your skincare regimen, especially when combined with in-office cosmetic treatments, such as the HydraFacial. 

Combining neurotoxin treatments with a quality and consistent skincare routine and other age-appropriate cosmetic treatments offers a more comprehensive approach to maintaining overall skin health, smoothing fine lines, preventing deeper wrinkles, and supporting a youthful, radiant appearance.

Who Should Consider Preventative Neurotoxin Treatments? 

Preventative neurotoxin treatments are something anyone in their 20s and 30s should consider if they are already starting to notice the first signs of fine lines and wrinkles or want to take a proactive approach that delays the need for more invasive medical aesthetic treatments in the future.

It is especially beneficial for those who know they are genetically predisposed to early aging or have lifestyle factors such as past or frequent sun or tanning bed exposure or smoking.

Preventative neurotoxin treatments are also beneficial if you are very expressive and make repetitive facial expressions, like squinting, frowning, or raising your eyebrows. Using neurotoxin injections to limit these muscle movements early is a great way to prevent deeper lines from forming.

When is Too Young to Start Neurotoxin Treatments? 

First and foremost, it is important to note that the FDA has only approved neurotoxin treatments for those aged 18 and older. Starting treatments too young, particularly before the age of 18, is not only unnecessary, it is not recommended due to the lack of sufficient research on safety and long-term effects in younger populations.

Additionally, you should consider the psychological aspects of focusing on aesthetics at an early age. Beginning neurotoxin treatments too early can lead to unrealistic expectations about aging and appearance. It’s important to be in a healthy headspace and understand that some signs of aging are normal and should be considered a natural part of aging! 

It is also important to recognize that neurotoxin treatments should be part of a much broader skincare and health regimen, including proper sun protection, a quality skincare regime, a balanced diet, proper hydration, adequate sleep, and regular exercise. Relying solely on neurotoxins at a young age may lead you to neglect these important aspects of overall skin and  body health.

The decision to start neurotoxin treatments is individual. However, it should only be considered after age 18 and after a thorough consultation with a qualified neurotoxin injector who can provide personalized advice and ensure that the treatment is appropriate for your age, skin, and long-term goals.

Reasons to Start Neurotoxin Treatments in Your 20’s and 30’s 

There are many reasons why starting neurotoxin treatments in your 20s or 30s is a great investment for your  long-term skin health:

To Maintain a Natural Look

When you start neurotoxin treatments before your 40s, you will need less product. Injecting fewer units of product will offer preventative benefits and enhance your natural beauty without dramatic changes.

Early Intervention

Addressing fine lines with preventative neurotoxin treatments early helps prevent them from becoming deep-set wrinkles.

To Reduce Future Treatments

Getting occasional neurotoxin injections early in life can minimize the amount of neurotoxin needed in your 40s and beyond.

To Delay Signs of Aging

If you want to maintain your youthful appearance, neurotoxin injections are a great way to keep the signs of aging at bay, allowing you to enjoy your wrinkle-free skin for a longer period.

To Enhance Your Skincare Routine

Neurotoxin injections are the perfect complement to a quality skincare regimen and can enhance the effects of other treatments and skincare products.

Benefits of Neurotoxin Treatments in Your 40’s and Beyond

If you are reading this and are 40 or older and have never had a neurotoxin treatment, that doesn’t mean it’s too late! One of the biggest perks of neurotoxin injections is their ability to smooth out lines and wrinkles that are already visible.

Plus, fine lines and wrinkles only continue to get worse as we age, expose ourselves to outside factors, and make repetitive facial movements. Neurotoxin treatments can help smooth out the creases you already have, prevent them from becoming deeper, and even help prevent new lines from facial movements from forming.

Considerations Before Starting Neurotoxin Treatments 

Starting neurotoxin treatments at a younger age can be beneficial for preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Still, it’s important to consider several factors before beginning:

Age Requirements

Neurotoxin treatments like Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are not approved for individuals under 18. 

You should be at least 18 before considering these treatments.

Your Current Skin Condition

Unless you know you are genetically predisposed to advanced aging, have skin damage, or are a very expressive person, if you do not have any fine lines or wrinkles, it might be better to wait until there are at least very early signs of aging before starting treatments.

The Injector You Choose

If you are considering neurotoxin treatments, never look for the cheapest Botox. You should only get these treatments from a qualified and licensed injector who has extensive experience with neurotoxin treatments. This is always true, but especially if you are young or new to neurotoxin injections.

Frequency of Treatments

Neurotoxin treatments typically need to be repeated every 3-4 months to maintain results. Consider if you are willing and able to commit to this ongoing schedule.

Financial Considerations

While you will not need as many units or treatments at an early age, you will need to continue getting injections if you want to maintain results. Neurotoxin treatments are not permanent. You will need to have them done at least a couple of times a year. Ensure you understand the financial commitment and that it fits your long-term budget.

Willingness to Change Lifestyle Factors

Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and stress can affect the effectiveness and longevity of neurotoxin treatments. Ask yourself if you are willing to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments needed to better support your skin’s health and the treatment’s efficacy.


You can’t stop the aging process, nor should you want to. Aging is a natural part of life, and some level of visible aging should be embraced. However, if you are looking to take a proactive approach to limiting the signs of aging or not showing the signs of aging faster than you should,  getting neurotoxin injections as early as your 20s and 30s is something to consider.

At Relive Health, we have qualified and licensed neurotoxin injectors at numerous locations across the United States. They can perform a skin analysis, discuss your concerns and goals, and help you decide when to start neurotoxin treatments.

Click here to find a Relive Health clinic near you and book a consultation today!