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How to Make Your Neurotoxin Injections Last Longer

Neurotoxin injections (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) are a safe and effective way to get rid of existing facial lines and wrinkles and prevent future signs of aging. The treatment works quickly, and the effects last a long time, but unfortunately, they don’t last forever.

Neurotoxin treatments are temporary. However, they can last longer if you better understand how they work and what to do (and not do) surrounding your treatment. 

Our experts at Relive Health put together some expert tips and information on how neurotoxin treatments work, why the effects might wear off quicker for some people, and ways you can achieve longer-lasting results! 

How Neurotoxin Injections Work

Neurotoxin injections, known under the brand names Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, are medical aesthetic treatments designed to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by targeting the underlying cause: muscle contractions.

Each treatment can be customized based on your needs and goals. Some people like to look more “frozen,” while others prefer more movement. This is something you should discuss with your injector before they begin. 

Once you’ve talked about your areas of concern and how much movement you want after treatment, your injector will carefully examine your facial anatomy to determine the precise injection sites and exact doses of neurotoxin needed to achieve the results you want.  

Using a tiny needle, a small amount of neurotoxin solution is injected directly into the targeted muscles. A topical numbing agent can be used, but most people find the treatment painless without numbing. 

Once injected, the neurotoxin blocks the nerve signals that cause the muscle to contract. Essentially, your muscles are temporarily paralyzed. When the product settles, you will see a visible reduction in wrinkles and fine lines and not be able to make the repetitive facial movements that cause new wrinkles to form.

Because it takes time for the product to settle, you won’t see results immediately. But don’t worry, you don’t have to wait very long! Most people start seeing smoother skin, less movement within a few days, and full effects within 7-14 days. 

How Long Should a Neurotoxin Injection Typically Last?

The effects of neurotoxin injections are not permanent; muscle action will gradually return. This happens because the body metabolizes the neurotoxin over time, and the nerve endings start to reconnect with the muscles.

Results typically last three to six months. However, the product can wear off sooner for some and potentially last longer for others. 

Factors That Cause Neurotoxin Injections to Not Last as Long

You won’t wake up one day and suddenly have movement again and see that all your lines and wrinkles have returned. The product wears off gradually, with most people needing another treatment after 3-6 months. 

However, there are cases where neurotoxins do not last that long. If you notice that your neurotoxin injections wear off sooner, there are a few reasons why this could be happening. Some factors are preventable, while others are a little more complex.


People with a faster metabolism often find that neurotoxin injections wear off more quickly. This is because their bodies break down the neurotoxin faster than others.


Lifestyle choices, such as regular, intense exercise, can increase blood flow and potentially lead to the neurotoxin being metabolized more quickly. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also potentially affect the longevity of the treatment.

Neurotoxin Used

While Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin use the same active ingredient and generally have similar result durations, their formulas are slightly different. Some people might find one brand works better for them than another.

History and Frequency of Injections

Some people believe that frequent treatments over time lead to the body developing a tolerance to the neurotoxin. There is no evidence suggesting this is true. In fact, regular treatments are often recommended to maintain results.

Some people even find it most effective to get smaller amounts of neurotoxin more frequently. For example, instead of getting a larger volume of neurotoxin every six months, you might find your results last longer if you receive smaller doses every 2-3 months.

Injector Experience

The skill and experience of the injector play a crucial role in not only what your face will look like after being injected but potentially how long your results last. An experienced injector knows the best neurotoxin formula to use, the precise locations to inject it, and how much product to use, which can all affect how long the results last.

Proper Before and Aftercare

If you do not follow all neurotoxin guidelines leading up to your appointment and especially following treatment, your neurotoxin treatment might not last as long. There are certain things you should and should not do after treatment that help ensure your treatment is safe and effective and lasts as long as possible.

12 Neurotoxin Maintenance Tips: How to Make Your Neurotoxin Injections Last Longer

As mentioned, there are factors you can’t control that might determine how long your neurotoxin injection lasts, but there are things you can control. Here are some tips that will make your neurotoxin injections settle properly and last longer:

1: Follow All Post-Injection Instructions

Having an experienced injector is crucial if you want optimal results from neurotoxin injections. However, you can have the best injector in the world and not see the best results if you don’t do your part.  

Some things your injector might suggest following treatment include:

Day of Injections

  • Avoid laying down for at least 4 hours post-treatment.
  • Do not pick, touch, or apply pressure to treatment areas. 
  • No intense activity (get in your gym session before your appointment.)
  • Do not get too hot or sweaty (no sauna, steam room, hot shower, etc.) 

Day of Injection Plus 1-2 Days Following

  • Skip harsh skincare products (stick to the basics: gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF.)
  • Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds. 
  • No hats, visors, or accessories that apply pressure to the treatment areas.
  • Do not massage or apply pressure to the treatment area.
  • Do not get a massage, facial, laser, or similar facial treatments.
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not take medications or supplements that thin the blood.

2: Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Nothing accelerates aging like overexposure to UV radiation. Excess sun exposure and using tanning beds cause your skin to develop more wrinkles and fine lines, which counteracts the smoothing effects of neurotoxins.

Additionally, UV radiation can damage the skin, potentially leading to inflammation and the breakdown of collagen, which can diminish the overall effectiveness of neurotoxin injections. 

Wearing quality sunscreen and avoiding prolonged sun exposure will reduce the need for more frequent or higher-volume neurotoxin treatments. 

3: Schedule Intense Activity Appropriately 

If you go to the gym every day, you will want to get in your sweat session before your neurotoxin treatment. Intense exercise increases blood flow, which can potentially cause the neurotoxin to spread beyond the intended areas. It could also make you sweat, which puts you at risk of infection at the injection sites. 

Light activities are fine, but to ensure optimal results, you should avoid strenuous activity and even yoga for about 24 hours after treatment.

4: Use Quality Skincare

People with smooth, even, youthful skin don’t look that way by only getting injected with a neurotoxin every few months. They have and stick to a consistent skincare regime. 

Investing in high-quality skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type and address your unique skin concerns will not only help maintain your skin’s health and appearance, but can also enhance the effects and longevity of your neurotoxin treatment. 

5: Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet

Even if you don’t get neurotoxin injections, staying hydrated is essential for healthy, glowing skin. Proper hydration helps to keep skin plump, elastic, and less prone to wrinkles. But it’s especially important if you want to see the best results from neurotoxin injections.

When dehydrated, your muscles lack moisture, causing them to contract differently compared to being properly hydrated. This can result in more pronounced wrinkles even after neurotoxin injections. To keep your muscle tissue hydrated and flexible, drink plenty of water before and after your treatment.

A nutritious diet also supports overall skin health and can enhance the results of your neurotoxin treatment. Focus on whole foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These nutrients help maintain skin elasticity and promote a youthful appearance.

6: Supplements 

Certain supplements, like collagen, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids, can support skin health and complement the effects of your neurotoxin treatment. Additionally, studies show that zinc can potentially extend the duration of neurotoxin treatment.

Researchers found that zinc helps the neurotoxin bind more effectively to the target muscle, enhancing its efficacy and longevity. If you want to extend the benefits of your Botox or other neurotoxin treatment, try adding zinc to your daily supplement stack. 

7: Focus on Sleep

Everyone knows that even one bad night of sleep can result in puffy bags and dark circles. But if those poor sleep patterns continue and are consistent, it will eventually lead to the formation of wrinkles, dull skin, and reduced skin elasticity.

Ensuring you get enough restful sleep allows your body to repair and regenerate skin cells, which helps maintain the results of your neurotoxin treatments. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to support your skin’s health and prolong the effects of your injections.

8: Manage Stress Levels

Chronic stress can take a toll on your skin and overall health. When you’re stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone breaks down collagen, the protein responsible for keeping your skin elastic and youthful. As cortisol levels rise, collagen levels fall, leading to the formation of wrinkles.

Stress doesn’t just cause new wrinkles; it can also make existing ones worse. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to keep stress levels in check. 

9: Don’t Smoke

Smoking accelerates the aging process and can diminish the effects of neurotoxin injections in several ways. Quitting smoking and using nicotine products can significantly improve your skin’s appearance and the longevity of your treatment.

First, the repeated facial movements made while smoking, such as pursing the lips, also contribute to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the mouth and eyes. 

Second, the chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, essential proteins that maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Nicotine also has an aging effect. It restricts blood flow, depriving the skin of oxygen and vital nutrients, which leads to a dull complexion and premature aging.

This means it’s not only cigarettes that can contribute to aging. Any product with nicotine could potentially counteract the effectiveness of neurotoxin injections. 

10: Limit Alcohol

Unless it’s in the 24-48 hours leading up to or after your treatment, having an occasional glass of wine or an adult beverage here and there isn’t likely to negatively affect your neurotoxin injections. 

However, excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate your skin and accelerate aging. Limit your alcohol intake to keep your skin healthy and to help maintain the results of your neurotoxin injections.

11: Remain Consistent

Neurotoxin injections are temporary. If you want to maintain results, you have to continue getting injections. Typically, we suggest that you come back for your next  appointment before the neurotoxin has completely metabolized.

12: Consider Additional Medical Aesthetic Treatments

When patients describe their skin goals, what they want can rarely be achieved through neurotoxin treatments alone. 

Neurotoxin injections are the most effective way to diminish fine lines and wrinkles and prevent them from forming, but they can’t smooth out every single deep line, correct skin damage, improve skin texture and pore size, and aren’t formulated to correct volume loss.

Most people need to combine neurotoxin injections with aesthetic treatments like dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing treatments and facials to achieve their desired results. 

Where to Get Neurotoxin Injections That Last Longer

The clinic and injector you choose matter if you want the best results from your neurotoxin treatment. Where the neurotoxin is injected, how many units are used, and even the concentration of the product can all affect your results.

If you are looking for a clinic with an experienced neurotoxin injector near you, use our Relive Health clinic locator to find a Relieve Health near you. We have multiple locations across the United States staffed with highly sought-after neurotoxin injectors.

We also have other services to consider that will complement or help extend the life of your neurotoxin treatment, such as dermal fillers, the popular Hydrafacial, laser skin resurfacing, ozone therapy, and IV vitamin therapy.