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10 Conditions that Ozone Therapy Improves

When you think of ozone, the Earth’s protective atmospheric layer likely comes to mind.

However, in the context of ozone therapy, it’s about a medical treatment using ozone gas to enhance health.

Ozone is a potent oxidant. Some refer to it as an odorless or toxic gas. It is true… ozone can be helpful or harmful. But like most things, the difference lies in the context, concentration, location, or type of exposure.

For example, mercury is a well-known toxic substance that can cause serious health problems. But other toxins offer tremendous cosmetic and health benefits. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a good example— so is ozone (O3).

This form of supercharged oxygen isn’t as popular or as widely accepted as botulinum toxin, but it’s been around for a while. Ozone has been studied for over a century, and its therapeutic properties have been used as far back as the 1800s to help heal wounds. 

However, ozone therapy is getting a lot more attention these days. This article will tell you more about this up-and-coming alternative medicine therapy and the top conditions ozone therapy is believed to help improve.

What is Ozone Therapy? 

Ozone therapy is a type of alternative medicine that takes medical-grade oxygen (O2) and adds an extra oxygen molecule to create ozone (O3). While its therapeutic benefits are still being studied, it is shown that ozone can increase oxygen levels in the body and activate antioxidant enzymes, stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities. 

It’s only been in recent years that ozone therapy has gained significant popularity. However, ozone therapy has been used and studied for centuries. It was even reportedly used during World War 1 to treat infected wounds. 

These days, people are turning to ozone therapy for many reasons. Some believe it helps with chronic infections and skin conditions. Others use it to improve autoimmune diseases, circulatory conditions, respiratory disorders, and even to detox and improve the signs of aging. 

While ozone therapy is not a miracle cure, it has shown promise in these areas and more. Some use ozone therapy alone, while others use it to complement traditional medical treatments. Many people who praise ozone therapy say it has brought relief when conventional treatments have been unsuccessful, while others believe it enhances them. 

Ozone can be introduced into the body in several ways. The most commonly used method in clinics that offer ozone therapy is intravenously, where a practitioner mixes a person’s blood with ozone and reinjects it. This method is called autohemotherapy and is often preferred because it can quickly circulate throughout the body, bringing faster therapeutic effects. 

Ozone is generally considered safe when used and administered correctly. However, it’s important to note that ozone gas can be very dangerous if inhaled. You should never attempt ozone therapy on your own. It should only be administered at a specialized clinic where the medical staff has been properly trained in ozone therapy and after consulting with your healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for the condition you want to improve. 

What Conditions Can Ozone Therapy Improve? 

There are critics who believe ozone therapy doesn’t work. But there are also scientists and researchers who have studied it and believe it can help improve numerous conditions. In fact, since its discovery decades ago, it is said that ozone therapy has been used to treat as many as 114 diseases.

Here are ten of the most common reasons why people seek ozone therapy in 2024:

Skin Conditions, Ulcers, and Wounds

The increased oxygen delivery that ozone is said to provide, in combination with its anti-inflammatory properties, could be extremely beneficial for wound healing and skin conditions such as infectious skin diseases, dermatitis, psoriasis, diabetic and pressure ulcers, eczema, rosacea, and acne. 

Increased oxygenation enhances collagen production, which aids in tissue regeneration, accelerates wound healing, and can improve skin texture and appearance. The anti-inflammatory properties of ozone can reduce swelling and improve skin texture and elasticity, leading to better overall skin health.

Circulatory Disorders & Cardiovascular Disease

Continuous blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body is essential for the optimal functioning of organs and crucial for preventing and improving cardiovascular disease and other circulatory disorders.

Ozone therapy is believed to enhance blood flow by breaking down arterial plaque and opening up blood vessels. This process can help improve circulation, ensuring that oxygen-rich blood can more efficiently reach organs. 


Ozone therapy’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen the pain that comes with conditions that affect joints and connective tissues, such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. 

Additionally, ozone therapy may improve joint mobility and quality of life for those suffering from these conditions.


Similar to how ozone therapy can improve joint pain, reports also indicate that ozone can reduce pain and tenderness in other parts of the musculoskeletal system, such as muscles and tendons, which are areas of pain in those with fibromyalgia. 

Additionally, those with fibromyalgia sometimes get frequent headaches, feel fatigued, and experience memory problems. Ozone is also said to help provide relief from these symptoms as well. 

Chronic Infections

By increasing oxygen levels in the blood, ozone gas enhances the body’s natural defense mechanisms, helping to inhibit the growth and spread of infectious agents. This can reduce symptoms and improve overall health.

Studies show that by increasing oxygen levels in the body, ozone gas can enhance the body’s natural defense mechanisms, providing immune support and helping fight infections. These could include common infections like sinusitis and urinary tract infections or more chronic infections such as HIV, Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, and others.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly targets and attacks healthy cells and tissues, leading to inflammation and damage. Due to ozone therapy’s ability to regulate the immune response and reduce inflammation, it is showing promise in improving symptoms and overall quality of life for people with certain autoimmune conditions. 

Scientists know of at least 80 autoimmune diseases (with some saying that number exceeds 100.) Some of the most well-known auto-immune conditions that ozone therapy could potentially improve are type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis, 

In such conditions, the therapy’s immunomodulatory effects may help balance immune responses, providing relief from autoimmune-related symptoms.

The National Health Council says that autoimmunity is reaching epidemic levels, with some studies estimating an increase of 3-12% annually. Ozone therapy could be a valuable tool in addressing this alarming trend by helping to manage symptoms and improve outcomes for these conditions where traditional medicine is often lacking or insufficient.


Advocates of ozone therapy believe ozone therapy can help conventional cancer treatments work more effectively and possibly even inhibit cancer cell growth.

Preclinical trials support this theory, citing its immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and oxidative stress-inducing properties as potential factors.


Allergies and immune system function are closely intertwined. Allergic reactions start in the immune system, which activates your body’s response to protect against perceived or real threats. Allergic reactions can also cause inflammation throughout your body.

Due to its immune-supporting abilities and anti-inflammatory properties, ozone therapy may help enhance the body’s ability to manage and respond to allergens, decreasing the severity and frequency of allergic reactions and improving overall quality of life.

Respiratory Conditions 

For chronic respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ozone therapy can improve oxygen delivery to the tissues, improving respiratory function. The therapy’s anti-inflammatory effects can also reduce airway inflammation, making it easier to breathe and potentially reducing the severity of symptoms in respiratory conditions.

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is an eye disease that affects central vision. It gets worse with time and is said to be the leading cause of serious, permanent vision loss in people over 50.

Ozone therapy may benefit individuals with this fairly common eye disease by improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to retinal tissues, enhancing oxygenation and reducing inflammation, helping to slow the progression of the disease, potentially improving vision quality, and supporting retinal health and function.

Other Uses of Ozone Therapy

Viral Infections

The added oxygen molecule in ozone is believed to help kill viruses and bacteria, helping stimulate the immune system to help fight infection.

Chronic Fatigue

Ozone therapy shows promise in helping to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, such as fatigue, muscle pain, memory issues, and difficulty concentrating. It is believed to do this by improving cellular oxygen utilization, enhancing energy production, and reducing oxidative stress.

Chronic Pain

Due to ozones’ potential to decrease inflammation, improve circulation, and stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, ozone therapy can improve various chronic pain conditions. 

Athletic/Sports Recovery

One of the most popular uses of ozone therapy is to support athletic recovery. Athletes and those who workout a lot tend to experience excess muscle damage and oxidative stress. Ozone therapy can help enhance oxygen delivery to tissues, promoting faster muscle damage recovery and reduced oxidative stress.

Brain Health

By increasing oxygen supply and reducing inflammation, ozone therapy is showing promise in supporting brain health and cognitive performance. 


Whether you are trying to detox from environmental pollutants or heavy metals, ozone therapy may help eliminate toxins more efficiently by increasing cellular metabolism and enhancing the removal of waste products.


Ozone therapy is explored for its potential anti-aging effects, possibly rejuvenating cells, improving skin elasticity, and promoting overall wellness. It is said to achieve this by stimulating antioxidant enzymes, improving oxygen utilization in tissues, and reducing oxidative stress, which are all key factors in aging processes.

To read more about everything ozone can offer, read “Benefits of Ozone Therapy.”

Where To Learn More and Get Ozone Therapy Near You

Ozone therapy is showing great promise in improving many conditions, promoting overall well-being, and even addressing signs of aging. 

Ozone therapy can be used with conventional medicine, on its own, or be paired with other popular treatments such as IV Vitamin Therapy.

If you want to learn more about the therapeutic benefits of ozone therapy and find answers to many frequently asked questions about ozone, read “Benefits of Ozone Therapy”   

To find a clinic near you that is experienced in safely administering ozone therapy, click here.